Our vision

The number of children in Tervuren is rising steadily. It is essential to let our children grow up in a safe, challenging and healthy environment. The municipality's role in this is crucial: sufficient affordable childcare and school places, healthy food at school, space to play, after-school activities, safe school environments and cycle paths.


Our three priorities

  • For young parents, there is still a shortage of affordable childcare. Following the example of the De Tovereik crèche, we want to provide additional crèches near the schools in Moorsel, Vossem and Duisburg.
  • Every year we have to disappoint parents who try to enrol their child. Until 2030, the number of children in Tervuren will continue to rise. It is therefore imperative to invest in the expansion of our municipal schools and to encourage or support the expansion of the other networks in such a way that all Tervuren children can attend local schools. Specifically, expansions are planned at GBS Moorsel, Mariaschool, and the Steiner School. Especially in the centre of Tervuren there is a shortage of school places, so we are investigating where additional capacity is necessary and possible.
  • We want inclusion education, where children with and without disabilities attend school together. Unfortunately, it was not possible to set up an inclusive school at the former site of FOD Financiën, but we are keen to set up such a school and continue to search for a suitable location.


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